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Our cat colleagues category focuses on cats that enhance the 9-5 or make working from home a joy.

Henry IX – Cat Colleagues winner

In the regal setting of Hampton Court Palace gardens, Henry spends his days providing companionship to the gardeners, deterring rodents, joining the night patrol staff as they lock up – and enjoying the odd snooze in the potting shed. Since arriving eight years ago, Henry has helped workers through good times and bad and is a valued part of the team.

Benji and Bailey

As frontline workers, paramedic Lauren and police officer Jen routinely face demanding and challenging shifts – with differing work patterns meaning they can go days without seeing each other. But loving brothers Benji and Bailey are always there when they return home as constant and calming companions, helping the couple relax and recharge before their next shift.


The Walton Lea Partnership is a very special place for adults with learning disabilities, where they can learn a range of skills – all under the loving gaze of Smokey. The sociable tabby loves nothing more than pottering about meeting supported learners, greeting visitors and supervising the office staff. With her loveable nature and fun-loving character, Smokey helps everyone relax and feel at home.

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