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Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By taking part in this event, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted them.

Standard terms and conditions

  1. The Murder Mystery pack is supplied as described and there are no alternatives.
  2. You must be a resident of the UK to receive a Murder Mystery pack.
  3. The Murder Mystery pack is not a children’s toy or a cat toy.
  4. If you haven’t received your Murder Mystery pack kit within seven to 10 days of signing up, please contact the Events team at or call 01825 741 960.
  5. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept cancellations or provide refunds on Murder Mystery packs once they have been sent.
  6. You are taking part in the event at your own risk and you cannot hold Cats Protection or the Murder Mystery pack supplier responsible for any injury, loss or harm resulting from the event.
  7. The Murder Mystery pack is suitable for ages 10+. If you are under the age of 18, you must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian and they must provide their details on your behalf on sign-up.
  8. The cost of the Murder Mystery pack is £20 which includes a £10 payment to Cats Protection to support the charity’s work.
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