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Find out how many times a day cats should poop and pee and how long cats can go without pooping

As a cat owner, understanding your furry friend’s toileting habits is essential for their health and wellbeing. While every cat is unique, certain benchmarks can help you determine what’s normal and when it might be time to consult your vet. 

It can be more difficult to know your cat’s normal toileting habits if they toilet outdoors. To help with this, you could try creating the perfect cat toilet for them outside. You can then keep an eye on the site and look out for any changes in their habits when they use it. Find out how to create an outdoor cat toilet. 

In this post, vet experts explain how often cats should defecate (poop) and urinate (pee) and what factors can affect these habits. You’ll also learn what signs to watch for when something might be wrong. 

How often should cats poop?

Healthy adult cats poop once or twice a day. But the frequency can vary depending on various factors.  

black-and-white cat walking away from the camera but looking back. Their tail is in the air so you can see their bum

Factors that influence how often cats poop

There is no difference in the frequency with which male and female cats poop. Male and female cats poop the same.

What does normal cat poop look like?

Healthy cat poop should be:

How many times should a cat pee in a day?

Healthy adult cats pee two to four times a day. But, as with pooping, the frequency can vary depending on various factors. 

Factors that influence how often cats pee

When should I be concerned about cat poop and pee?

You know your cat best and should recognise what is normal for them. If you notice any significant changes in your cat’s normal toileting habits, then it’s best to speak to your vet. 

black-and-white cat being petted on the head by a human out of frame. A litter tray is in the background


If your cat has gone without pooping for two days, it could be a sign of constipation or other health issues. Prolonged constipation can lead to more serious health problems if not addressed quickly. 

Call your vet if:


Runny poop can also be a sign of serious health issues. 

Call your vet if:

Other concerns

Call your vet if:


Call your vet if:

Health issues that can affect cats’ poop

Constipation can be caused by:

Diarrhoea can be caused by:

How to stimulate a cat to poop

  1. Encourage them to drink. Keeping your cat well hydrated can help to prevent constipation and make sure they pee regularly. Make sure they always have access to fresh water to drink. Tips to get your cat to drink more water.
  2. Encourage them to exercise. Keeping active helps to stimulate the digestive system. Try having regular, short, interactive play sessions with your cat throughout the day to encourage them to move. How to play with your cat.
  3. Provide a suitable litter tray. Make sure your cat’s litter tray is appealing for them to use whenever they need to. If you have more than one cat, provide them with a litter tray each, plus one extra. Find out how to create the perfect cat toilet.
  4. Keep them calm. Your cat’s digestive system will work more effectively if they are relaxed. Stress also increases the risk of health issues. How to manage your cat’s stress. 
  5. Speak to your vet. If you’re concerned that your cat is not pooping enough, your vet may be able to recommend some treatments that will be suitable for your cat. 

How often should you take your cat’s poop out?

Cats are very clean creatures. They like their toilet to be clean too. You should remove any poop and pee from their litter tray at least twice a day. Ideally you should remove any poop from your cat’s litter tray as soon as possible. Cats will be reluctant to use the litter tray if there is poop already in there. You should clean out the litter tray completely at least once a week. Remove all the litter and wash the tray with hot, soapy water. 

Never flush your cat’s poop down the toilet. Sewage treatments can’t treat the parasites found in cat poop, so they can make their way into our water system. Instead, put your cat’s poop in a biodegradable bag and put it in your general household waste bin. 

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