Nala is a very friendly and affectionate cat who has occasional catitude moments when she does not get her own way. She enjoys going out into the garden staying close to home. On rainy windy days, which she does not like, she is very much a home cat and likes to play and run around the house to use up her extra energy. She loves her toys and chasing her fishing rod feather types. She enjoys sitting on her cat tree observing what her humans are doing inside and what the birdies are up to outside.
An ideal home for Nala would be in an adult only house with an enclosed garden, with no other pets or children and with someone who is around quite a lot to keep her company.
Please drop Nala a message telling her a little about yourself saying why you would make her ideal companion.
Thank you.
Cats Protection Aberdeen is licenced to re-home cats as detailed below:
Aberdeen City Council, under the terms of The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 2021, hereby grant a Licence to the undernoted (Animal Welfare Establishment)
Licence Reference: ACC/AWEL/16/22
Licensee: Cats Protection Aberdeen