If you'd like further details on any of our media surveys, please contact the Media Office on 01825 741 911 or email media.office@cats.org.uk
10 October 2019
In support of World Mental Health Day, a survey by Cats Protection shows that nine out of ten owners state that owning a cat helps their mental health.
Find out more16 May 2019
Cats Protection urges people not to give up their pets as survey results reveal that 1 in 12 parents did so because they were expecting a baby or had young children, with two thirds regretting this decision.
Find out more14 May 2019
News released by Cats Protection shows that men who like dogs are still seen as more masculine than those who like cats, even though owning either pet requires the same compassionate qualities.
Find out more13 November 2018
Cats Protection has launched a major new campaign, Purrfect Landlords, offering free guidance to landlords and letting agents to help ensure that tenancy agreements reflect modern day living.
Find out more24 May 2018
Findings released by Cats Protection show that the UK population is so confused about what to do if they spot a wandering cat.
Find out more01 March 2017
A survey of 1000 people released to coincide with National Singles Day revealed that cats can play a key part in a lasting relationship and rate higher than fancy cars when choosing a potential partner.
Find out more01 October 2016
A survey of 1,005 members of the public for Black Cat Day found that black cats are perceived as less playful and friendly than their more colourful counterparts.
Find out more01 September 2016
A survey of 1,011 cat owners showed that three-quarters of them believed society underestimated the impact a death of a cat has on its owner.
Find out more01 May 2016
A survey of 1,000 vets showed that many more cats are killed in air gun attacks than 20 years ago.
Find out more26 August 2015
A survey led by Cats Protection showed that more than three quarters of British cat owners make no plans for their pet should they pass away.
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