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26th February 2025

Worthing volunteers are appealing to animal lovers to dig deep to help towards the cost of expensive eye surgeries for a flat faced cat.

Cats Protection Worthing has launched a JustGiving appeal to help recoup costs after spending significant amounts of money on extensive eye surgeries for a beautiful Persian cat named Bumble.

Ultra flat-faced Bumble, a five-year-old tortoiseshell, had a painful eye condition in both eyes when she was taken into care.

The serious condition, called corneal sequestrum, is a common problem in Persians where dead tissue clumps on the eye’s surface and presents as a visible black circle, causing soreness and inflammation.

“It was clear that Bumble was in some pain and would need urgent attention if there was any chance to save her sight,” said Josie Ambrose-Davis, Community Fundraising Officer at Cats Protection. “Our team of volunteers sought specialist vet care, which involved multiple complicated procedures and included the difficult decision to remove one eye when the disease proved too advanced.”

Thanks to that treatment and extensive aftercare by the Worthing team, Bumble has been given a clean bill of health and has even found a new home. But that still leaves the charity with a £3,500 vet bill to recoup.

“Bumble’s surgeries have placed a significant strain on our limited resources,’ said Josie. “Without government funding we rely entirely on the generosity of animal lovers who value the work we do for cats like Bumble.

“Everyone is feeling the strain right now, but we need to ask our supporters to donate a little extra so we can continue helping vulnerable cats like Bumble. It’s a cliché but every penny really does count. Even a small donation can make a huge difference to these cats who need a second chance.”

To contribute to Bumble’s fundraising appeal, visit

Cats Protection has urged animal-lovers to be aware of hidden health risks in pedigree cats, such as those affecting Bumble.

Lucinda Alderton-Sell, Senior Field Veterinary Officer for Cats Protection, said: “Cats bred to have an extreme body type, with characteristics including hairlessness, short legs, or an extremely flat face, can leave owners with expensive vet bills as well as cats with complex needs and a poor quality of life.

“Often, these issues are hidden at the start of a cat’s life and require the buyer to do their homework before committing to a purchase. It is vital new owners understand what they are taking on.”

Find more about cats in care in the Worthing area.


For more information, contact Cats Protection Media Office on or 01825 741 911 

Notes to Editors:

  1. Cats Protection helps an average of 184,000 cats and kittens a year through its national network which includes around 200 volunteer-run branches and 32 centres.
  2. Cats Protection is the UK’s leading cat welfare charity, founded in 1927 as the Cats Protection League. Please use the name Cats Protection when referring to the charity.
  3. Cats Protection is a registered Charity No. 203644 (England and Wales), SC037711 (Scotland) and is listed as a Section 167 Institution by the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (06772997). Registered office National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH17 7TT
  4. Visit the charity’s media centre
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