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St Albans & District Spring Appeal

Moggies have long been getting a bad reputation. Online searches and even the dictionary define these non-pedigree cats as ‘unremarkable’. But we know this simply isn’t true.

Whether they’re a knowledgeable kitty, timid tabby, friendly feline, serial sleeper or a playful puss; each is full of purrsonality and has lots of love to give. They're more than ‘just a moggy’.

Cats becoming stray is the most common reason our care is needed and worryingly, the number of vulnerable moggies needing our help is rising.

Without the generosity and kindness of the St Albans & District community, stray moggies would be lacking the support and safety that they often so desperately need.

Could you help stray moggies in St Albans & District ?

A gift from you can help stray moggies find a furever home as mognificent as they are. Each donation made goes directly towards helping cats in St Albans & District reach their happily ever after.

Give to help cats like Thomas

Lovely Thomas (named by one of his feeders) was reported to us when he started hanging around his village. His owners had moved away and sadly left him behind, and he’d been living on the streets alone for many years.

When he was reported to us, there were concerns about his health. We tried to trap him to get him to a vet for help, but he evaded capture.

We were advised that while he was known to be friendly with female cats, he was very wary of humans. Thomas found two regular places to feed and it was only when one of the feeders moved out of the area he decided to live full-time in the remaining feeder’s garden.

Given this backstory, we initially expected him to be a trap, neuter and return (TNR) case. However, Thomas had built up a relationship with his feeders and shown that he enjoyed being around people. We were lucky on our third attempt and were able to successfully trap Thomas. He was taken straight to the vet and given antibiotics for nasal and skin issues.

Less than a week into his foster care, he is already sounding much better and has discovered he loves a lap and cuddles. He is one of those cats that knows his name and will answer with his mew or chirrup, so his name is staying. Thomas is still settling in and every day he is learning to cope with strange sounds and investigate toys to build his confidence.

He has turned into a real lovebug and we expect him to be snapped up as soon as he has been neutered and is ready for rehoming.

Support our spring appeal and help cats like Thomas.

St Albans & District
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