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Creating an online fundraising page via JustGiving is a simple and easy way to raise funds for Cats Protection

Any donations you receive through JustGiving come directly to us so there is nothing else for you to do but say a huge thank you to all your supporters.

How to raise funds for Cats Protection with JustGiving

To set up a JustGiving online fundraising page for Cats Protection, click here and then click on the orange 'Fundraise for us' button and follow the simple steps.

If you would like to fundraise via JustGiving and support your local branch or centre, please ensure you mention the branch or centre's full name clearly in the 'story' section of your page. The pages are then coded and the money dispersed to your nominated branch or centre in their quarterly payments.

If you are not already in touch with the branch or centre you are fundraising for and would like to be, please contact them via their local website or Facebook page. You can find your nearest branch or centre on our Find Us page.

For hints and tips to get the most out of your online fundraising, click here.

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