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Not sure where to begin? Our simple guide to streaming will show you how.
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Livestreaming can be a simple as going live from your console to having a full stream setup with webcams.

As a baseline you'll need an account for a streaming website, a console that supports streaming or a computer, and an internet connection but you can enhance your stream quality with microphones, webcams and other elements.

Most modern generation consoles (PS4 & 5/Xbox one, S & X) have native support to live stream, and you can broadcast from your PC with software like OBS studio and Streamlabs.  

You can setup a free account on live stream and video hosting sites such as Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook gaming

Going live on PlayStation

  1. First go into settings and select users and accounts.
  2. Find link with other services to link your PSN account with your Twitch or YouTube account. Some services may require you to verify your account.
  3. Load up the game you want stream.
  4. Press the create or share button on your controller and select 'Broadcast.'
  5. Select the streaming service you'd like to broadcast to.
  6. Enter your broadcast information.
    If you have a compatible camera and you want to include video or add audio from your party,  you can customise this in the Broadcast Options.
  7. When you're done, select 'Go Live' and start your broadcast. A broadcast card should appear in your control centre.

Going live on Xbox

  1. First find go into the Xbox store and download the app for the live streaming provider you want to use.
  2. Press the Xbox button and from the guide go to store then apps, find the app and select install. If this is the first time signing in, you'll need to activate your account.
  3. Press the Xbox button and from the guide go to capture and share.
  4. Select 'Live streaming' and select the provider you want to use.
  5. Activate your account.
  6. Once done, press the Xbox button again, and from the guide go to capture and share.
  7. Select 'Live streaming' and select the provider you want to use.
  8. Select 'Go live now'

If there's no game running the stream starts when you launch it, and if there's already a game running the stream will start when you go back into the game. 

To stop the stream, press the Xbox button and from the guide go to capture and share. Select 'Live streaming' and stop the stream. (You can also pause, and resume streams here).

Going live on PC (these instructions are for using OBS studio)

  1. Go to,  choose your operating system and download OBS studio
  2. Follow the steps to install OBS.
  3. Load up OBS and follow the steps on screen.
  4. Setup your output. You can select streaming services and either login to them via OBS.
  5. Alternatively, you can grab your stream key from the settings of your streaming service and paste this in instead.
  6. Use the + button in the sources tab to setup a source. You can create a source for:
  • your desktop to capture gameplay
  • your camera if you want to have your face on screen
  • your mic if you want to talk to your audience
  • a browser source which will let you link to a tiltify account

Use the + button in the scenes tab to create a new scene. This could be fundraising information, or just a 'BRB' scene for when you take a break.

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