Going into 2025, we are no longer offering the centralised National Subsidised Neutering Scheme as it was previously. Instead, we will support neutering through locally-issued vouchers. Find out more below.
In 2023 we launched a centralised National Subsidised Neutering Scheme to streamline and simplify the way we offered financial support to neuter owned and feral cats.
In 2024, we reviewed this centralised scheme and took on board feedback from all stakeholders, with vet practices as a key stakeholder. This resulted in a pause in sending out further vouchers on this scheme.
The decision was prompted by several challenges, including:
We want to thank vets for any involvement in previous voucher schemes. We simply can’t achieve our vision of a balanced cat population without the cooperation and support of the veterinary profession.
We remain committed to investing in neutering and are continuing to provide support for neutering owned and feral cats at the same level as we have in previous years. We are actively considering how to increase our impact for the future and will continue to design how this will look.
Below is our guide to what is available, including:
Vouchers may be available from local Cats Protection teams for eligible members of the public to help with the cost of neutering their cat. If you would like to work with one of our local teams, please contact them directly.
There are two types of vouchers available at this time, with examples shown below. We intend to review these to simplify this further.
Please note the following information:
In addition to the Cats Protection vouchers outlined above, C4 vouchers are available in the areas covered by that scheme. Please be aware that although we are a leading contributor to the C4 Neutering Scheme, it is a separate scheme to Cats Protection.
For more information visit: c4cats.info
Our financial support towards neutering is intended to help those most in need, using the following as guidance only. Owners may be asked to provide proof of their eligibility to you at their neutering appointment, this will be indicated on the voucher.
The eligibility criteria state you should:
Benefits not eligible: personal independence allowance/payment, child benefit, disability living allowance, attendance allowance, carer’s allowance.
The decision whether or not to provide a voucher is at the discretion of the Cats Protection issuing team.
A ‘welfare package’ should be provided alongside owned-cat neutering. The welfare package includes:
We ask vets to order these items through a Cats Protection wholesale account (Covetrus or VSSCo) if possible.
Where a neutering-related complication occurs, the cat owner should be asked in the first instance if they can pay or contribute towards any additional costs towards the total cost of the procedure.
Where an owner is not able to afford the full additional costs, Cats Protection may be able to contribute a reasonable amount towards the increased consequential cost of this operation. The voucher must be submitted for payment accompanied by a full clinical history and itemised invoice for the cat concerned.
Please contact the Cats Protection issuing team (details on the voucher) to discuss if any further funding is available. This is at their discretion and is not guaranteed.
Eligible members of the public can find support:
Vet practices can contact: