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In memory of Yoshi

My parents bought me Yoshi when I was 6 and for the last 13 years we have grown up together almost like brothers. Yoshi was named by me when I was 6 after a mario character "Yoshi", he meant the world to me and I miss him every second since he passed. We miss you Yoshi and will always love you. Yoshi Barlow 2011~2024

by Michael Barlow

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  • Pietre

    July 23, 2024

    Yoshi would flop in Michaels arms, and go anywhere with him. His love for Michael, was only surpassed by his love for food, as he ran past you on the stairs 🤣. Yoshi had some weird ideas of where to sleep, usually where he would scare you when he woke, such as on top the units, or the fridge. He will be missed by all that knew him, and of course his sister Gizmo. RIP Gizmo. 

  • Aimee

    July 23, 2024

    Sad to hear of her passing but I'm glad she is no longer suffering and was with you both to comfort her as she left us. She was such a lovely friendly cat 🩵🐈‍⬛🐾

  • Jill

    July 23, 2024

    Yoshi.... you were a handsome boy who made us smile a lot... head nudging us at food times - racing us on the stairs .... laying across our laps to watch tv in the evening - an expert "pawball" player .... we loved you Yoshi and always will xx

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