We are very grateful to the caring people who have kindly chosen to share their experiences and advice. We hope you find strength and comfort in their words. If you would like to add your own words of comfort and advice, please click the button below.
The comments expressed are the thoughts and views of the authors only and are not the views of the Charity. The Charity reserves the right to remove anything posted on this page anything which it deems inappropriate or unacceptable. The Charity will not engage in any correspondence should it remove such comments.
christine pickering
We got my beautiful fur baby as a tiny kitten and we had her for 8 long years till she sadly passed away. She went from being a happy healthy cat to being so poorly and sadly passing away. Full of character. So loving and loved her food and treats and waking us up at crack of dawn. Such a big hole in our hearts and we miss her terribly 😭
Jennifer Hodgson
Salem, I adopted you at a low point in my life and you helped me towards happiness so very much. You were a barn cat, loved the outdoors, and it was fate that the barn belonged to one of my clients. Every visit to the farm, you trotted over for some fuss and a rub around my legs. You stole my heart. You were found by a farmer, with a broken pelvis, close to death. My client nursed you, took you to the vet and offered you to me for adoption, I bit her hand off, took you home and nursed you back to full health, which is very much what you did for me. Just me and you when I bought my first home, then you helped bring me and my now husband together with his 2 cats also. All 3 of them black. You brought me nothing but luck, joy and comfort. Your purr was heartwarming. You always knew when I needed you, when I was low. You loved a bit of fuss and a stroke but always hept your ferral side, swatting me away when I pushed my luck. Beautiful Salem, you will be in my heart forever. Until we meet again. Thank you for choosing me.
Richard Ison
A few words on my sweety pie Dolly. We had Dolly as a kitten, a sweety and a beautiful cat. Always a ray of sunshine and fun and loved to leap around and show affection and love to myself and Richard. Sadly, Dolly was so suddenly taken away by a car on Saturday daytime. Dolly, I'd like to remember my princess and friend by her lovely charm and love to myself and Tiffany. Dolly run free girl. You're free to run and hunt mice for all eternity, sweety pie. Always in my heart my friend. Sweet dreams girl. Come visit me sometime. I'll never forget you Dolly girl ❣️🌈⭐❤️ An angel is shining from heaven.
Dee Ash
My beautiful childhood cat of 20 years Rico had to be put to sleep yesterday (06 March 2025). He was the best human-cat, so loving, chill, smart, funny and friendly. A character! He hasn’t been well for a while and over the last 2-3 years of his life has loss a lot of weight. He had a bad tooth infection in the final 3 months which couldn’t be treated with surgery due to his age, weight and underlining health issues - kidney disease and heart murmur. Despite trying to find 738282 ways to treat him, this last week I had to make the heartbreaking decision to end this suffering and bring him peace. Rico was family and my best friend. Especially after my mum died, he was all I had left. Im still processing that he’s no longer here, I feel guilty and sad but also know that Rico did not deserve anymore pain. As this is very recent and raw I don’t have much words of advice for others, apart from take each day as they come and allow your emotions to flow. I love Rico so much and he will be missed dearly. I love you Rico!
Julia Bassindale
We called you Obie the wondercat because you disappeared out of an open door not long after we moved to a new house and you hadn't lived there long enough to find your way back.. you did find your way back though 12 months later and you have rarely left our side since then ...you were a grumpy older cat in the last few months but you loved us and we loved you back...you loved the feel of the sun on your old bones and today the sun is shining for you...enjoy every minute until we meet again x your heartbroken mum x
Heather Flint
Maisie, Tinks. You gave me so much more than I could ever give to you. You were both precious gifts, for which I will be eternally grateful. You brought joy to every single day of my life. Fate brought us together and I will never forget how you both changed my world. I've never known such pure happiness. Your presence brought the most beautiful sparkle to the dullest of days. I love you both with everything I have. I will carry you both within my heart for all time. Two beautiful souls, now together forever. Fly with the angels, my beloved girls. The world is a lesser place without you. Rest easy, my darlings.
Amanda Theodorou
After reading the heartfelt stories I wanted to share mine. We adopted Cinnamon and her brother Pumpkin 14 years ago from our local cat rescue, funnily enough, at Halloween. They came pre-named and aptly so as Cinnamon was a beautiful ginger female and her brother, gorgeous (and enormous) Pumpkin, was an apricot shade. They were 7 years old. Over the years, they brought us so much joy-they were funny, sweet, loving and the best addition to our family. They truly did make a house, a home. Pumpkin very sadly passed away 4 years ago at Christmas and we were heartbroken. We’ve been so lucky that Cinnamon made it to 21 and was still in such good health until very recently when she suddenly deteriorated. We knew it was time and my son’s both made it home from university to see her on her final day. She passed way peacefully and we could only keep apologising to the lovely young vet for our floods of tears; all he kept saying was that it was clear how much she was loved. We’ve definitely been left with a huge hole in our lives and our hearts ache, but I remind myself of all of the love we gave them and how much they gave us. It’s been such an incredible privilege to have had them in our home and we’re thankful beyond words. Mature cats are often overlooked but I’d encourage anyone to give these cats a chance-we’re so glad we did. We’ll miss you beyond words Pummy and Cinny. Hope you’ve found the BEST spot in the sun to stretch out and sunbathe in, until we see you again ❤️
Sas Megan
I waited my whole life for you. When I was a little girl I prayed to God for a cat and asked for a cat for any birthday, Christmas or special event. Unfortunately, my mummy had allergies and life threatening asthma so it was never to be. Instead as a child growing up I would spend all my time with the neighbours cats, try to catch the feral kittens or if we were with friends and they had cats I would spend all the time with those cats not people. Then God answered my prayer. I got a sprite Lu kitten that grew into a spicy cat with a fantastic naughty personality. You were my baby, my best friend and my companion. You bought joy into my life and light into my world when there was only darkness. At times I took you for granted and I’m sorry I am human and I’m flawed but you made my life so much more beautiful and you showed me true love. You have passed today and I hope you know I tried everything to save you and I was there with you in my heart and in person. I hope you are at peace now and not in pain. I love you and you made my life worth living and I loved being your mummy and till we meet again my mimi. I love you x
Emma Goble
From the moment you were born I was in love with you and had to wait 9 long weeks before you came to live with us and you stole my heart there and then. We loved each other your entire life and I will miss and love you every day of mine from now on. You arrived before all of my children and you loved them with all your being from the minute you sensed them in my tummy, you looked after them, protected them fiercely and they loved you with all their hearts as their big fur brother. The day you left us was the worst day of all our lives, saying goodbye was the hardest thing we all ever had to do. My children aged 13, 10 and 9, along with mummy and daddy stayed with you till the very end. I brought you home knowing these were your last hours and you were not alone for a minute, each of us had our special time with you to say our goodbyes and we all stayed with you all day and night long even when you had us curled up on the bathroom floor to be with you, in a box 🙈, till the end, we loved you as though you were blood. You never let us be alone anywhere and you’ll never walk alone, you beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy, my only sunshine right to the end. I hope you know how much we loved you. You have left a massive orange furry hole in all our lives and hearts. Nothing will ever be the same without you. We all still talk about you and cut you extra slices of cheese. Love and miss you always my beautiful boy xx
Karen Naya
My heart is breaking but full of love. Our special boy Gustav died very suddenly at 14 and a half. He'd been coming to us demanding to be let in for quiet naps and adoration for 12 years, whilst officially living 4 doors away (unbeknown to us for many of those years). Even during a huge renovation, when there was only a building site and no downstairs to speak of, he still came. Every night. We finally made it 'legal' with his other lovely family a few years ago. Since then, he's been my shadow. Another heartbeat in the house during the pandemic and lock-downs. A demanding meow to let him out at stupid o'clock. (Sometimes not so) gentle snoring while I worked. His weight and warmth on my feet during Teams calls. A soft paw in my face to wake me. Squeezing himself into the sofa corner behind my husband, and slowly but surely pushing him aside. A meow and mighty head bump to greet me when we got home. Sprinting like lightning down the garden, announcing himself all the way, when I saw it was raining and called him home. Dominating the garden and showing the foxes who was boss. Notorious at the vet and cattery for handling with care, and only ever on his own terms. I miss you, buddy. My monkey. My gorgeous boy. Thank you for choosing us. Sleep well Gustav. Safe journey. x
Katrina Dore
Where to start Dobby. You had a rough start to life and fate meant you came to us for 7 short yet wonderful years. The love and joy you gave us was second to none. We'll miss your cheeky face, your quirky head tilts and your big vocal calls of joy when having your back scratched, but most of all we'll miss the best snuggles and kisses you constantly gave us. Even the little love nips! You were small but mighty my little man. You've left the biggest paw print on all of our hearts. My heart breaks all the time knowing I won't see your little face again. I still find your fur on the furniture or my clothes and my tears shed again. Letting you go peacefully to end your suffering was the kindest thing we could do for you but it was so very hard and is still very hard to accept your gone. It's the price I have to pay for loving you so very much. We are all so grateful you were our boy. We're grateful for the love and joy you gave us. We just miss you so terribly. Thank you Dobby for being the best boy. Our handsome boy. We'll never forget you. We'll never stop loving you. Love from Mummy & Maddy x
Ollie Moore
My little Lilly, You were the most precious little cat anyone could ask for, you would follow me wherever I went, even to the shops and wait by the door. Where ever I went you went. You’d cuddle me every night and lay your head next to mine. You and your sister would always play in my van when I would sort it out. This particular day I was putting the front seats in my van to pick my daughter up for parents evening. I left at 16:20, I last saw you in my van minutes before I left. Unknowingly at 16:38 my mum received a call to say that little Lilly had been struck by a car and had died. I arrived back at 17:30 to which my mum broke the news to me. Nothing feels the same anymore, she’s left a massive hole in my heart and it feels like there’s no way to fill it. I love you little lady. I hope you rest in peace.
Harriet Workman
I adopted Rusty, known to all as Fats, and between me and him at home 'Chicken Pants' when he was about 7 and needed a new home. He was the most handsome ginger and white tom with an appetite of a small child. He became unwell suddenly and I had to make that decision a couple of weeks ago. Rationally I know it was the kindest thing but my heart is broken and I feel very alone. He was there without judgement through the last 10 years of the roller coaster that is life including losing my mum and I miss him beyond words. My house is just a place to exist now, he made it a home. Rest in peace my lovely chicken pants, thank you for everything
Carol Dick
I miss u so much my boy he was 16 years old he was my sidekick Ur were always there through the good and bad times with me smudge was an indoor cat very loved and looked after well but on Monday u had to go to sleep and I'm finding it hard luv u smudge be at peace xx
Samantha Hallahan
I lost you, my boy on 6th January. Taking you to the vets was the hardest thing I've ever done but I know it was the right thing. However, that hasn't stopped the feeling of guilt. You were with me, my beautiful boy for 19 years, black & white with such a lovely round face. As you got older you would come & snuggle on my lap or jump on the bed & lie by me. You were so loved Billy, I hope you know that. My heart is aching with how much I miss your cute little meow & super soft fur. You now 'sleep' in your bed in our bedroom. It was your Dad's idea that if I put you there that meant you wouldn't be on your own. I never wanted you to be on your own, so I made sure I held you right at the end my boy. I hope you knew I was there with you. You were so weak at the end that I'm not sure if you knew I was with you but I was. I miss & love you so much Billy, you will always be my boy xxx