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Declutter your home and do some good with your unwanted items by turning them into cash for the cats in our care

Are your cupboards filled with stuff you don’t need? Do you find yourself cleaning around things that are just in the way? Well, there is a way you can sort your life out and help cats at the same time!

We’re tasking cat lovers across the UK to have a Clear Out for Cats to raise money for unfortunate felines in need.

White kitten with blue eyes

Register for Clear Out for Cats to take part and get everything you need to start decluttering your home and raising funds.

There are lots of ways to give your unwanted items a new lease of life and make a positive change for cats and the planet...

1. Sell online

The internet has made it so easy to find new owners for your stuff in just a few clicks! You could auction your items on eBay, or sell your clothes on Depop or Vinted – there are thousands of users on these sites looking for second-hand treasures. If you’d prefer to sell locally then take a look at Facebook Marketplace or other local buy-and-sell groups on Facebook to see if anyone nearby is interested in your things. Once the money is in your account, donate it to Cats Protection and see the totaliser rise!

Person taking photos of items on their phone

2. Sell in-person

Everyone loves a jumble or car boot sale! Either organise your own, or book a place at an event nearby, and take along all your items to sell to local bargain hunters. You could even let people know the proceeds will go to Cats Protection, as it may encourage them to pay a little more then they normally would. After your busy day of selling, pay in your funds to help the kitties.

Selection of toys on a stall

3. Upcycle

A great way to make the items you’re selling even more enticing is to give them a bit of a makeover. You could give old furniture a lick of paint or try your hand at reupholstery, and if you’re selling clothes, why not add some patches or embroidery to create truly one-of-a-kind pieces? To learn how to add adorable cat details to your clothes, sign up to our autumn Craft for Cats craftalong. You should be able to charge a little more for your unique creations – that’s if you can bear to part with them!

Various items on a table

4. Donate to a charity shop

If you’re struggling to sell any of your unwanted items, then let us take them off your hands! Simply donate your stuff to your local Cats Protection charity shop, saying it’s from Clear Out for Cats, and we’ll do the rest. Every bag of donated goods to our shops is worth £10 (on average) and this value can be added to the Clear Out for Cats totaliser! Find your nearest Cats Protection charity shop.

Inside a Cats Protection charity shop

5. Recycle

If your items are broken or otherwise unsuitable to sell, see if you can recycle them instead of throwing them away. Things like clothing, electrical items and plastic toys may be recyclable, so see what recycling services are available near you. While you won’t make any money for the kitties, you’ll still be doing your bit for the planet by reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfill. Find out more about your local recycling options.

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