Welcome to Cats Protection Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket Branch
We're here to support cats and kittens in Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket, covering postcodes: IP6, IP14, IP22, IP23, IP29, IP30, IP31, IP32 & IP33
Run by a small team of dedicated, cat-loving volunteers, we're passionate about improving the lives of cats and kittens in the Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket area, working to find loving new homes for cats in our care, and offering support with the cost of neutering cats, lost & found cats as well as general education and awareness within the Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket area. You can find out more about the work of Cats Protection here.
All our work is voluntary and we have a dedicated team of volunteers without whom we could not carry out the vital work we do to help the cats and kittens in our area. We don't have a central cattery but have fosterers who care for our cats in purpose built cat chalets in their gardens.
We strongly encourage the neutering of cats. For information about neutering in the local area, and our neutering vouchers for those on low incomes ( less than £25,000 per household per year) and /or in receipt of benefits, please contact us on 01284 851055. If we are unable to answer immediately please leave a message with your name and contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or email enquiries @stedmunds.cats.org.uk