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Turn a cardboard box and old t-shirt into a cosy hiding place for your cat 

Cats like to have plenty of places around the home to hide. It helps them feel safe and secure, especially if something is making them feel anxious or scared. For example, fireworks or unfamiliar visitors.

a ginger tabby cat inside a DIY cat tent made from a cardboard box and t-shirt. The cat is poking their head out of a hole in the tent

A cardboard box is a perfect hiding place for a cat. You can make it even more cosy using an old t-shirt to turn it into a cat tent. Follow our quick and easy guide to create a cat tent in just six simple steps! 

You will need:

6 steps to make a DIY cat tent 

  1. Draw two circles, one on the front of the box and one on the back. You can draw around a circular object such as a bowl to get neat circles.a cardboard box with an upturned bowl on top, ready to draw around
  2. Cut out the holes. Make sure they will be big enough for your cat to squeeze through. A cardboard box with a hole cut out of the front. You can see through the hole to another hole cut out of the back of the box
  3. Pull the t-shirt over the box so that the neck lines up with the hole on the front. A cardboard box covered with a t-shirt. A human hand is tucking in the sleeves of the t-shirt against the box
  4. Make sure the bottom of the t-shirt doesn't cover the hole at the back. A cardboard box covered with a t-shirt. The bottom of the t-shirt is open to show one of the holes in the box
  5. Tuck the t-shirt sleeves in against the box to make the sides look neater.
  6. Put the blanket or cushion in the bottom of the box to make it cosy. If it is one they have recently slept on, they will be more likely to use the tent as it will smell like them.A cardboard box covered with a yellow t-shirt to make a cat tent. There is a hole in the front and back of the box and a blanket inside

Place your cat tent somewhere quiet so your cat sees it as a safe hiding spot. You could even put it somewhere up high that your cat can access easily. For example, on top of a wardrobe or sturdy shelf. Cats feel safe when they can view their surroundings from above and look out for danger. 

Make sure your cat can easily access both holes in the cat tent. Having two options for entering and leaving the tent will make sure they don’t feel trapped inside. 

To encourage your cat to use their new tent, place a treat inside. When your cat is inside the tent, do not disturb them. They need to feel that the tent is a safe space where they can hide in peace. 

Find out more about why cats hide. 

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