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Vet experts explain the benefits of neutering your cats and dispel neutering myths 

Neutering is a common procedure for cats and has many benefits. But some cat owners are naturally a little worried about neutering and the effect it will have on their cat.  

In this blog post, Registered Veterinary Surgeon Sarah Elliott answers some common questions about neutering to explain the facts and dispel the myths.  

tabby-and-white cat sitting on a brown sofa

Why is it a good idea to neuter a cat?

Cats can lead happy, healthier lives when neutered, as neutering prevents the onset of some cancers and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as diseases caught through cat fights. Cats are less likely to fight and roam if neutered. 

There also won’t be any unwanted kittens to worry about. Unneutered female cats could potentially have up to five pregnancies a year. And there could be up to nine kittens in each litter. Looking after a pregnant cat and newborn kittens is costly and time-intensive. You will also need to find new homes for the kittens. 

Research shows that 80% of litters are unplanned. Sadly, many of these unwanted kittens end up in charity care or trying to survive on the streets. We can create a healthier, more balanced cat population if more cats are neutered before they are able to have kittens. 

What's the earliest age a cat can be neutered?

We recommend kittens should be neutered at around four months old. This is the age when they reach sexual maturity and can start to breed. Some vets may be willing to neuter your cat at a younger age. You can find a database of vets willing to neuter cats at four months old or younger on the Cat-Kind website

Is my cat too old to be neutered?

Cats are never too old to be neutered. Cats can breed from around four months old right up until old age. Female cats don’t experience the menopause like humans do, so they can get pregnant into their senior years. Male cats can also mate throughout their life.

Should I neuter my indoor cat?

It’s a good idea to get your indoor cat neutered as there’s always a possibility they could escape and mate with another cat outside the home. If you have more than one cat at home, remember that cats can mate with their family members. Brothers and sisters, or parents and kittens of the opposite sex, could produce more kittens if not neutered. 

Can a cat be neutered if she's pregnant already?

Cats can be neutered when pregnant, depending on how far along in their pregnancy they are. Your vet will be able to give you advice about your cat’s specific situation.  

What's the difference between the terms neutering and spaying?

Neutering is the term used for the operation that prevents female cats getting pregnant and male cats from getting females pregnant. Spaying refers only to neutering a female cat and castrating refers to neutering a male cat.

long-haired brown tabby cat with two young brown tabby kittens

Can you get any help towards the cost of neutering if you have a low income?

Cats Protection may be able to provide financial assistance with the cost of neutering your cat. Find out more about the neutering support we can offer. 

Is there any way to check if our adopted cat has been neutered?

Your vet should be able to detect a scar from the neutering procedure if it has already been done. 

If you have a female cat, she may start showing signs of coming into heat if she’s not neutered. These signs can include calling, spraying and trying to escape or wandering further than normal. If you have a male cat, they are more likely to roam, spray, and fight with other cats if they are not neutered. 

Is cat neutering safe?

Neutering is a routine procedure for cats. As with any operation, there is a risk of complications, but this risk is very small. Cats Protection successfully neuters around 130,000 cats every year. We neuter every cat we rehome and help cat owners to get their cats neutered. 

Will my cat’s personality change after being neutered?

After neutering, your cat will be less likely to spray, fight, roam or call as these are all methods they use to help find a mate. Your cat also won’t need to eat as much food, as they don’t burn off as many calories after being neutered. Other than this, your cat’s personality won’t change after neutering. They’ll still be the lovely furry friend you’re used to.

Will neutering calm my cat?

Neutering can calm certain behaviours in your cat that are related to them looking for a mate. For example, neutered male cats are less likely to fight with other cats to compete for a mate. Neutered female cats are less likely to make calling noises to attract a mate. Apart from a reduction in these behaviours, your cat’s personality won’t change after neutering. Find more information about cat behaviour. 

Will neutering my male cat stop him from spraying?

When unneutered, both male and female cats can often spray as a way of attracting a mate. The smell of their pee can grab the attention of other cats to let them know they are ready to breed. Neutering your cat will greatly reduce the chance of them spraying. But neutered cats can still spray from time to time, as a way of marking their territory. Find out more about how to discourage spraying. 

Find out more about neutering your cat.



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