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Welcome to Cats Protection Stroud Branch

Run by a small team of dedicated, cat-loving volunteers, we’re dedicated to improving the lives of cats and kittens in Stroud. We work to find loving new homes for local cats in our care, offering support with neutering, and lost and found cats, as well as general education and awareness within the Stroud area. You can find out more about the work of Cats Protection here.

Please note we give priority to the following postcodes: GL5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Cat adoption in Stroud

Looking to adopt a cat in Stroud? We have a straightforward process – you can either complete an online application form on your chosen cat’s profile or you can call our Homing Officer on 07884 111498.

Find out more about our adoption process.

Our adoption process

Adoption fees

These are the minimum amounts. Any amount over and above will be put to good use on the cats, as our branch is run solely by volunteers.

  • Kittens (9 weeks – 6 months) - £100.00
  • Adult cats (7 months – 9 years old) - £80.00
  • Adult cats (10+ years old) - £40.00

Payment should be made to the fosterer by cash of cheques. Cheques should be payable to Stroud Cats Protection.

Support Cats Protection Stroud Branch

None of our vital work would be possible without you. There are many ways you can be there for cats and kittens in Stroud.

Donate now

Donate now



Fundraise for us

Fundraise for us

Challenge events

Challenge events



Weekly lottery

Weekly lottery

Gifts In Wills

Gifts In Wills

Other ways to give

Other ways to give

Fundraising events for cats in Stroud

We will be attending the following events, please come along and support us.

We would be extremely grateful to hear from anyone who might be able to help out at these events. Volunteers are always welcome. We're particularly keen to hear from anyone who can spare an hour of their time before or after an event to help set-up/pack-up a stall.

To get involved, please email 

Volunteer at Cats Protection Stroud Branch

Your branch needs you! We're looking for a new home visitor to cover the Nailsworth/Amberley area. Can you spare a few hours a month to visit potential adopters? You get to meet lovely people and talk "cats". Full training will be given. Please email for further details.

Without volunteers, Cats Protection Stroud Branch simply wouldn't exist. Our amazing, friendly volunteers are a diverse group with a shared love of cats who fit volunteering around their home lives and personal commitments. 

We're often looking to welcome new volunteers to join our brilliant team. As well as meeting great people and making an incredible difference to the cats of Stroud, you'll enjoy practical benefits such as discounted pet insurance. 

Lost and found cats in Stroud

You can contact our Lost and Found team on 07547 394 476

Cats are less likely to go missing if they are neutered and kept in during the hours of darkness.

If your cat is missing

  • Check your property including all rooms, cupboards, boxes, household appliances, sheds, garages and vehicles.
  • Check gardens, bushes - a torch is useful at night.
  • Put some posters up locally, place in shops, garages and post offices
  • Ask locally if anyone has seen your cat
  • Contact local veterinary practices
  • Contact your local Cat Protection Branch. We need to know colour, sex, age, if microchipped, if wearing a collar, identifying features and date last seen. Please email us a photo if possible.
  • Contact other agencies / animal charities

When your cat returns, don’t forget to notify all the people you have notified.

If you find a cat

  • Ensure that the cat is indeed lost!
  • Ask neighbours if their cat is missing.
  • Put up posters locally.
  • Try to find out the sex and age of the cat – note the cat’s colour and whether it has a collar. If possible, take the cat to a vet to see if it has a microchip.
  • Notify vets, Cat Protection and other agencies.
  • If the cat is friendly and in good condition it may belong to someone and Cat Protection can provide a strong paper collar so that the owner is alerted to the fact that their cat is straying. Please ask for one when reporting the found cat
  • Please offer the cat food and water and some shelter until help arrives.

Our branch is often full to capacity and we can always place details of the cat on our website but can rarely collect a cat immediately.

Lost, found and feral cats

Lost Cats

Found Cats

Neutering Vouchers

Castration/spaying is a straightforward operation that prevents unwanted pregnancy in female cats and reduces fighting and roaming in male cats. 

Repeated breeding and fighting is unhealthy for your cats and increases the risk of disease. 

Neuter your cat for just £5 - vouchers cover the complete cost of the operation.

If you're in receipt of benefits, please contact Becca to arrange your voucher on

Stroud - Contact Details

Please note: many of us work full-time jobs so these numbers aren't manned 24 a day. Please leave a message and we'll get in touch as soon as possible. If you wish to buy items to help our branch, please look at our Wish List. 

Other local branches:

  • Cheltenham/Tewkesbury: 0345 3712730
  • Bristol: 0117 665428
  • Forest of Dean: 01594 841511
  • Swindon 01793: 644536

You can also contact the Cat Protection National Helpline on 03000 12 12 12.