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Thank you for your interest in Miles for Moggies! Take a look at the FAQs below or for any other queries, please contact the Events team at or call 01825 741 960.

The challenge

Q. When do I do my run?
You can choose do your run on any day in 2024 that suits you.

Q. Where do I do my run?
Anywhere in the world! This challenge does not have a set location, so you can complete your run local to you or at a destination of your choice. It is always worth scouting out your route in advance however to make sure there are no issues, for example private land or unsuitable surfacing.

Q. Do I have to do the distance in one go?
As there are four different distances to choose from, we would encourage you to choose a distance that matches your ability, and the aim of this challenge is to do it in one day. Although it is a virtual run, you can of course combine running, jogging and walking if needed, to complete the distance.

Q. Can I change my distance after registering?
Of course. If you’d like to change the distance you selected when you registered, please let us know by emailing us at or calling us on 01825 741 960.

Q. How do I keep track of my distance?
There are a number of apps you can use to track your distance but we recommend Strava. You can join our Strava running, walking and hiking team here to meet fellow Cat Champions.

Q. Can I register multiple people for Miles for Moggies at the same time? 
You are limited to registering one person in a single purchase. Therefore, if you’re looking to register yourself and register on behalf of someone else, simply complete the form twice, making two separate purchases.

Q. Do I need to send evidence of my run to get my medal?
We will email you a link to the Miles for Moggies completion form once you’ve registered for the challenge. When you’ve done your run, you simply need to submit the form to confirm it is complete. You don’t need to provide screenshots of your distance or route for the purposes of claiming your medal (but we’d love to hear how you got on with your challenge!).

Q. How long will my medal take to arrive once I’ve submitted my Miles for Moggies completion form?
Please note that it may take a couple of weeks for your medal to reach you after completing your form, but rest assured that if you confirm on your completion form that you would like to receive a medal, we will get it posted to you as soon as possible.

Q. Do you have any training plans or other information about running?
Yes! We have various plans available here: run resources.

Q. What if I’m unable to complete the challenge?
If, for whatever reason, you’re unable to complete your Miles for Moggies challenge, please don’t worry. You can let us know if you’re no longer able to take part in the challenge by emailing us at or calling us on 01825 741 960.

Q. Can under 18s take part?
If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must register for Miles for Moggies on your behalf and anyone under the age of 18 participating in the Miles for Moggies challenge should complete their challenge accompanied by a responsible adult agreed by their parent or guardian. Please ensure that the distance you choose to complete through this challenge (5km, 10km, half marathon or full marathon) is appropriate for you or your child’s age and ability.

Q. Can under 18s join the Team Cats Facebook group?
No, sorry. To join the Facebook group, you need to be over 18. 

Q. I am concerned about my health, what should I do?
Please do not undertake this challenge if you have any concerns about your health and wellbeing without consulting a doctor. This is a physical challenge and should not be undertaken lightly.

Q. Why should I take on the Miles for Moggies challenge?
You’ll feel amazing inside and out as you conquer your Miles for Moggies run. Miles for Moggies will encourage you to tackle a new personal challenge to benefit both your physical and mental health, and all the while you’ll know that your efforts are helping to make a better life for cats.


Q. Why is every distance £20 to sign up? Why does a 5k cost as much as a half marathon?
As this is a ‘virtual run’ and will be done on your own routes, we do not have to pass on the huge costs associated with on-site events and all distances can be priced equally. The money from your signup fee will go towards improving the lives of cats and kittens across the UK and supporting the people who care for them.

Q. Do I have to fundraise?
No, but we would be incredibly grateful if you did choose to raise additional funds for us. Your £20 signup fee will go a long way to support our work, but by getting sponsored for your challenge you could have an even greater impact on the cats that need our help. 

Q. Which fundraising platform should I use?
When you register for Miles for Moggies, we will share with you a link to JustGiving where you can set up your own Miles for Moggies JustGiving page.

Q. Can I raise money on an online platform other than JustGiving?
We’d prefer you raise the money through JustGiving but if that doesn’t work for you, we would suggest Enthuse.

Q. How does the money from my fundraiser page get to Cats Protection?
This happens automatically, you don’t need to do anything.

Q. Can I start fundraising before the event month?
Yes! You can create your JustGiving page or print and share your sponsorship form as soon as you’ve signed up.

Q. I’ve got two fundraising pages, can I combine the two?
Unfortunately not, but rest assured that all the money donated on both pages will go to Cats Protection. Alternatively, you can expire one of your pages and then just keep sharing the remaining page.

Q. Can I just raise money offline with a sponsorship form?
Yes, you can download a sponsorship form here. A link to the downloadable sponsorship form will also be included in an email sent to you once you’ve registered for Miles for Moggies. Once completed, please send your sponsorship form to ‘Freepost Cats Protection’ and write ‘Miles for Moggies 2024’ on the back of the envelope.

Q. How do I get started with my fundraising?

  1. Once you have set up your fundraising page, personalise it with your own pictures and explain why you’re taking part then share your page on your social media channels.
  2. You could make a personal donation to your page. This helps get the ball rolling for friends and family to donate too.
  3. Share your progress. Keep your friends and family up to date on your training progress and let them know once you’ve completed your challenge. Some people will only donate once you’ve finished your challenge, so don’t let them forget!

Q.  How can I pay in offline donations?
Any donations received outside of your JustGiving fundraising page can be logged as an offline donation. Log in to your JustGiving fundraising page and click ‘Add an offline donation’. There are a few ways you can then pay in any offline donations to us; on our website, by cheque or over the phone.

- To pay your funds in online, please visit:
- To pay in by cheque, please address the envelope to ‘Freepost Cats Protection’ and make the cheque payable to Cats Protection. Please write ‘Miles for Moggies 2024’ on the reverse of the envelope or cheque
- To pay in over the phone, please call us on 01825 741 960

If you have any questions around paying in offline donations please contact the Events team at or on 01825 741 960.

Q. How can I log my miles on my fundraising page?
While you don’t have to prove your miles, it’s always nice to show your supporters your progress.  

You can link your JustGiving fundraising page to your Strava account so your supporters can see how you’re getting on with your challenge by following the steps outlined on the following webpage: Connecting your Fundraising Page to Strava – JustGiving Help.

Sharing screenshots from Strava or other tracking apps on your social media pages is another great way of keeping your supporters up to date with your progress. 


Q. Is there a t-shirt size guide?
Yes, you can access the t-shirt size guide here: t-shirt size guide.

Q. How long will my t-shirt take to arrive?
If you ordered a t-shirt it could take up to 14 days to arrive but we will get it to you as soon as possible. 

Q. I ordered a t-shirt but it hasn’t arrived yet.
If you ordered a t-shirt but haven’t received it within 14 days of signing up, please contact the Events team at or call 01825 741 960. 

About Cats Protection

Q. What does Cats Protection do?
At Cats Protection we stand up for every cat. At the forefront of research on cat welfare we use our decades of experience to help all cats and support owners to keep their pets happy and healthy. Our campaigns change laws to give cats more protection and we continue to call for a better deal for cats. In every corner of the country our passionate volunteers, employees and supporters are using their kindness and expertise to make life better for millions of cats and the people who care for them. You can find out more about our work here.

Q. How do I get in touch with Cats Protection?
If you have any comments, questions or queries, please contact our Events team at or on 01825 741 960.

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