Frequently Asked Questions (Group & Individual)
What are Volunteer STARS?
Cats Protection values and appreciates the enormous contribution volunteers make to the charity. Celebrating, thanking and recognising the contribution volunteers make to achieving our vision and working within our values, is an essential element of everything we do. Apply on line or email us at
Why do we need need the STARS scheme?
The Group STARS scheme has been running successfully for several years and has enabled us to thank, share and communicate all the great things achieved by our volunteer groups. Individual STARS is new and enables us to thank and acknowledge individual volunteers which we hope will improve volunteer retention.
What is the STARS Scheme for?
STARS has two purposes; to say thank you to volunteer groups and individual volunteers and also to help us share and communicate all the great things we do for cats and people across the charity. The scheme is only one aspect of volunteer recognition within CP, there are other ways we recognise the achievements of our volunteers
How does it work?
- Volunteer Group STARS provides you with the opportunity to tell us all about the amazing work that you and your team have been doing for people, cats and the charity.
- In return, depending on the quality of this information, you will be able to choose from a selection of items, as a small token of our appreciation.
- For items found on Amazon, we are currently trialling a new approach whereby we provide groups with an Amazon e-card to spend on items to support their cat activity for CP using their Amazon Business Account.
- Each branch can enter the scheme once per year.
- Volunteer Individual STARS provides you the opportunity to thank individual volunteers for their time and commitment helping people, cats and the charity.
- 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years and 10 years and exceptional contributions volunteer recognition badges are available to order free of charge from Warehouse.
- Separate to the badges cat sculptures are available to celebrate 15 years, 20 years and 25 years of volunteering as well as exceptional volunteer contributions.
Not sure what kind of volunteering activity to write about for group STARS?
Please just tell us about one of your successes in rehoming, neutering, education, fundraising or working with other groups to help Cats Protection.
Not sure what is meant by ‘exceptional contribution’ for Individual STARS?
Please tell us about a volunteer who has achieved something which is exceptional in terms of impact as well as rare and uncommon. An example includes leading a branch to achieving a milestone figure like rehoming 1000 cats. If you are unsure please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Any other questions?
Please contact the Volunteering team
Frequently Asked Questions (Individual)
What are Individual STARS?
Individual STARS are tokens of appreciation for individual volunteers to thank them for all their hard work helping cats and kittens. Items available to thank volunteers are;
- 1 year volunteering badge
- 5 years volunteering badge
- 10 years volunteering badge
- 15 years volunteering – small bronze cat sculpture or miniature Rosina Wachtmeister cats
- 20 years volunteering – medium bronze cat or larger Rosina Wachtmeister cats
- 25 years plus volunteering – large bronze Murphy cat sculpture modelled on a CP cat
- Exceptional contributions – one of the above statues depending on the nature of the ‘exceptional contribution’
How is the Individual STARS scheme different from the current STARS scheme? The current STARS scheme, Group STARS, thanks volunteers groups as a whole for all their hard work helping cats and kittens. Individual Stars is an opportunity to thank individual volunteers for all their time and commitment volunteering.
Why is CP introducing Individual STARS Since the introduction of Group STARS, the Volunteering Development Team (VDT) has received numerous requests for items to thank individual volunteers, especially items to thank volunteers who have volunteered in CP branches for a long time. Unfortunately, Group STARS hasn’t been appropriate because this scheme thanks and recognises the great work undertaken by the volunteer group, and not the work of an specific volunteer.
In addition, the VDT sought feedback from RDM’s and the overwhelming response was that Individual STARS would be a good idea and in fact some RDM’s already order individual gift items for long serving branch volunteers.
We are also aware from the volunteer exit survey carried out last year that 35% of volunteers left after one year or less and 51% left between 1 year and 5 years. There are of course many reasons why volunteers leave but hopefully a small token of appreciation from CP might lead to more volunteers staying with the charity.
How do I obtain the Individual STARS ITEMS? Volunteer Managers can order the badges direct from warehouse. The cat statutes can be ordered by completing a short application form available online at or by emailing the volunteering development team Volunteer managers includes RDM’s, branch volunteer coordinators, AC managers and deputies, volunteer team leaders or generally anyone in CP who leads, supports and manages volunteers.
How do I find out how long a volunteer has been with CP?
The starting place would be VIS but we are aware that sometimes the information is not as accurate as it could be. Our best advice is therefore for volunteer managers to check with individual volunteers and/or check other information sources including branch committee meetings etc.
What is meant by exceptional contribution?
We are aware that sometimes CP volunteers achieve exceptional things although they may not necessarily have been volunteering for the required 15, 20 and 25 years to obtain the cat statutes. However, we are also aware that CP volunteers often carry out on daily basis exceptional acts to help cats. Therefore, in terms of the individual recognition we are defining an exceptional contribution as something which is exceptional as well as rare and uncommon. Examples include;
- Leading a branch to achieving a milestone figure like rehoming 1000 cats
- Helping a branch to double its fund raising figures
- Ensuring key CP education messages reach 1000 children
- Continuing to volunteer and lead others in exceptionally difficult circumstances. Examples include dealing with bereavement, the loss of key volunteers, etc
Will you be reviewing the scheme?
As this is a new scheme we will undertake a six monthly and then an annual review. Feedback will be obtained via the usual CP communication channels including the volunteering forum, Facebook, CP news update as well as from individual volunteers and volunteer groups who have used the Individual STARS scheme.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact the volunteering development team
We hope that the Individual STARS scheme is a success and will provide a great opportunity to thank individual volunteers who give so much time, energy and commitment to helping cats and kittens.